Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Over the rainbow... at last

And so my dear friends and witnesses. To anyone who may have tripped across my blog at any point during the last two years... I am writing to let you know that I have arrived at the end of my rainbow.

I am at last a daughter in Israel, a bat Avraham Avinu. As I write these words even I cannot comprehend them, even though my memories of the mikveh are very vivid. It all seems very much like a dream.

I do not have words for how I feel... happy, overjoyed... these do not really describe the state I am in. However, others who been on the journey with me can attest to the fact that it is nothing less than a miracle.

Thank you, Hashem, for only You could have brought me this far. And this is only the beginning...

Chaviva Rut bat Avraham ve Sara